Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy birth day to you Jesus!

Hi friends, 25th of December the birthday of Jesus Christ is the most auspicious day for majority of the people irrespective of their religious faith and I take this opportunity to wish every human being a merry Christmas. Recently I got a chance to view the DVD version of the most popular English movie “2012” and I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. The director of the film Mr. Roland Emmerich deserves all sorts of appreciation for his imaginative work. Though we hear stories and prophesies about end of the world in the year 2012, I never believed them even for a moment for various reasons. Even in the 2012 film, the director tried his level best to make people believe what they have watched; I treat it only as a fiction which is meant for enjoyment. I feel, predicting such a large scale disaster which involves the destruction of entire creation of Lord Almighty is not at all possible for any human being. I hope human race can celebrate Jesus birthday for millions of years and he will guide us to live a harmonious life along with other creatures in the Nature. Kind Jesus will not tolerate such suffering shown in the movie to his children and if you are a real believer be assured that you are protected all the time by Him.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your visit and comment.My best wishes for you.

elyas ngeblog said...

nice artikel

Cathy said...

Hello PD, Namaste. I'd like to say first, although the Mayan and Chinese predictions of 2012 using their own records left behind by their astronomers and cosmologist - many far more advanced with less than we are, it's still not an ending as you seem to understand. It's a beginning, in the prophecies, of another dimension in the world, but again it's man-made, invented by humans, and should be kept separate from anything spiritual. Whether one chooses one path or another in their hearts is a private personal thing, and I'm breaking my own rules here by sounding like I have an answer, which I don't of course, as none of us do. It's just pleasing to have FAITH in something better than us, finer than human, more spiritual than physical and mundane. But the 2012 prophecy, though made thousands of years ago, is just that - a prediction by humans. Besides, this is the year 2008 according to the Julian Calendar which never included the "zero" year between 1 BC and 1 AD which means when 2012 arrives it'll actually be 2009 lol people of course won't realize this and start going mad with "end of the world" craziness. But either way, no matter where we place our faith, we should always take a moment to respect all other ideas and beliefs. If we can't, we're doomed as a species.

Anindita Basu said...

Positive feeling is so very important. Without hope life can be unbearable and thanks for your post. Also, thanks for visiting my blogspot. I want to wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR .-Dita- from the other side of the world in California.

Maria said...

Faith is a great gift.

Lita C. Malicdem said...

Thanks for the visit. Your blog post is a welcome reminder for all believers. Jesus is all-loving and the massive disaster shown in that movie 2012 is just the making of fertile imaginations. Thanks for sharing this.
