Saturday, November 6, 2010

Welcome to India Mr. Obama

Hi friends, wish you all happy Deepavali and prosperous New Year. Deepavali, the festival of lights is already on and my observation is that people are showing better enthusiasm than last year in its involvements. The only reason for this observed behavioral change is nothing but secured financial condition. In spite of being a most disciplined economy, we also felt the heat of turbulence in the world economy and tightened our belts on personal level as well as organizational. Moreover the contradictory predictions by different economists created doubts in the minds of Indians which made them to think twice before spending. But, now the derailed world economy is slowly and steadily rolling on the right track and that is why we are loosening our belts little bit. Indian stock markets are booming again and as usual corporate is bettering its results. American President Mr. Barack Osama is going to visit India shortly and Indian economy is welcoming him with a record stock market jump. But I think we cannot relax too much because some experts are expecting few more bubbles to burst in near future. Any way I wish better sense prevail on us not to repeat the earlier economic blunders which led to the collapse of world economy.


Abhishek said...

Yes he is here now.
Lets hope we[India] could have a specific image in the world.

Nice Veloso said...

Hi! Friend! In these eight years with the government of President Lula, Brazil has grown and stabilized. It has slightly decreased the rate of illiteracy and poverty index. A historical event happened here in my country. We have a woman to rule the country. We are certain that she will continue the work that the Pres. Lula made for the good of our people. The world is moving so well. Peace, love and health.
