Hi friends, this incidence which I am writing took place about 15 years back and virtually changed my life from what I was to what I am today. And I am proud to be what I am today. One of my friends referred a television mechanic, Mr. Chinnappa, for converting my TV from manual control to remote control. He gave me Chinnappa’s land line telephone contact number. (We have not heard about mobile phone at that time). So I dialed that number, heard a very sweet voice from other side wishing by referring me as gurugi (means spiritual guide). I felt some strange feeling inside me, may be because till that day nobody called me like that or I might have felt that I don’t deserve that title.
As promised he came to my house very next day exactly at 7.30 pm. When he came, as usual I was watching some TV channel, which was my only extracurricular activity other than routine 8 hours office work. During those days I was suffering from severe head ache due to sinusitis for which I used to consume heavy dose of pain killers and antibiotics, but without any permanent relief. Here I would like to quote Swami. Vivekananda “Only healthy body can have a healthy mind”. So naturally the pain was upsetting my mental health also. I can describe my then condition in one sentence as “I was living in hell”. He entered my house, wished me and my wife in the same manner when he wished me previous day over phone. For my surprise he wished both my son and daughter who were very young at that time (about 14 and 11 years). The first impression he created over phone on me was the best. As per our custom, my wife offered him some tea and snacks, but he nicely refused to take anything. He started his work, he was enjoying what he was doing, and he was talking with all of us. By observing my body language he came to know about my illness and asked me join some Yoga class which he was also a student which I did along with my full family.
I am greatly attracted by his personality. He was calling every body as Guru irrespective of their age and position. There was a spiritual look on his face, shining in his eyes was some thing rare to see in others. Though both of us were working in the same organization with about 4000 work force, I never met him earlier. For my surprise he took very nominal charge for attending TV modification work. Slowly I came to know about him from my association with him. What I liked about him was his simplicity and humbleness. Right from his appearance to his action he was very simple. He was very kind hearted. His daily physical needs were very limited. He used to take food only 2 times per day, one lunch in the afternoon and one dinner that too before 6.30 pm. According to him one should not take food after sun set. He was not taking coffee, tea or any drinks other than water. He told me that, raw vegetables are keeping our metabolism in perfect condition. As per his advice I also joined that Yoga Class, slowly my illness disappeared, I became like a child in behavior, started to enjoy life again. But I could not become like Chinnappa even after 15 years of practice. I have met so many gurus afterwards, but the divine pleasure I got from the association of Chinnappa was some thing unique. I never met a person like Chinnappa who lives life as per our body design, enjoying every moment of life, being happy and making others happy. If you describe god by his characters, then Chinnappa may be very near to God because he possesses all those characters. For this his aura field may be very large and power full.
I feel that though spiritualism is very complicated but we can practice it very easily like Chinnappa by being simple, humble and being true to you. People are searching for perfect gurus for entering spiritual world, they may get some gurus, but getting “Sadguruunath” like Chinnappa is a God gift. I got that gift
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