Thursday, October 14, 2010

Simple tips to reduce carbon foot prints: Pat-5

Encourage Green Business:

Since the so called “green business” encourages sustainable development without producing any negative effect on environment, we need to support it with our full might One of the best descriptions of green business is that “the business which tries to meet the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of coming generations to meet their needs”. As I have already mentioned in my earlier blog posts, our present generation is only the custodians of resources of the Nature and we cannot exploit them lavishly. The best way to preserve the natural resources for the coming generations is to support green business by using green products and green services. Since green business involves usage of renewable energies such as solar and wind, recycling of products, reducing waste, usage of organic products, the resultant generation of green house gases are very less compared to traditional business activities. For example, a restaurant run with green concept may not produce as much negative effect on the environment as in case of a regular one. In most of the cases green products and services are cheaper than conventional products. I feel, use of renewable energies in green business only can make it more environmental friendly because use of non renewable energy source at any stage of the production activity is bound to produce negative impact on our environment.


el cajon condo said...

Hi great work. As you mentioned in your blog post, the need of the hour is to minimize our carbon footprints and one of the best way to achieve is by supporting green business. It is a long way to go till we reach that stage. Your concern for environment is evident in your posts. Keep it up bro.

Greener Bangalore said...

very true and well said Sir..nice meeting...and thanks for the visit and comment....keep visiting....

Greener Bangalore said...

hi Sir! Sorry that i deleted the old post (and so your comments got deleted automatically) There was some image issue and it was not displaying and hence i reposted!
